Trip Full.
The sagebrush basin and range country east of the Sierras offers a starkly beautiful landscape filled with fascinating birds and wildlife. Join Bruce Mast for a weekend tour of the region around Susanville and Honey Lake. The centerpiece of our trip will be watching male Greater Sage-Grouse dance at dawn for females’ attention. Nearby, we’ll look for Sagebrush Sparrow and Sage Thrasher, to complete the “sage trifecta.” Elsewhere we’ll seek out wintering Ferruginous and Rough-legged Hawks and try for mountain specialties such as White-headed Woodpeckers, Pinyon Jays, and Townsend’s Solitaires. Along the way, we’ll explore the human and natural history of the land and consider the conservation threats that imperil it.

Dates: This trip will begin in Susanville very early Saturday morning, March 19, and end on Sunday afternoon, March 20.
Accessibility: Much of the weekend, we will be birding from our cars or taking short walks on level ground. However, access to the Sage-Grouse lek involves about a mile walk in the dark up a rutted jeep road with a few hundred feet of elevation gain. If conditions are muddy, the walk can be treacherous. Weather can range from balmy to frigid. Public bathroom facilities will be sparse throughout the weekend.
Covid precautions. Because this trip involves carpooling, shared lodging, and indoor dining, full vaccinations and booster shots are required. Pre-trip negative tests are strongly encouraged. For the daily birding trips, be prepared to share a ride, either as a driver or passenger, with at least three other birders.
For more information, contact Bruce Mast at
This trip will require carpooling. Participants will need to have a complete course of vaccination and booster shots and should bring a mask.
Registration will close at 9 am on March 18, 2022.