Golden Gate Bird Alliance is currently hiring for the following positions

Private Birding Field Guide (Part-time/Per Diem)

Osprey Cam Technician (Volunteer)

Snowy Plover, one of the local threatened species that Golden Gate Bird Alliance helps protect / Photo by Bob Gunderson

Founded in 1917, Golden Gate Bird Alliance engages people to experience the wonder of birds and to translate that wonder into actions that protect native bird populations and their habitats.

Golden Gate Bird Alliance is an equal opportunity employer. People of color, women, people of all sexual orientations, and those with diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Our staff and board value diversity and are committed to respect and inclusiveness.

To apply, send a resume and cover letter to:

We are always looking for volunteers in a variety of other roles: See the VOLUNTEER PAGE of our web site, or email Janet Carpinelli at JCARPINELLI@GOLDENGATEAUDUBON.ORG.