What’s the best birthday present you can give to mark Golden Gate Audubon’s 100th anniversary?

Help us grow!!

We want to enter our next century as an even stronger advocate for Bay Area birds. So we’re asking each of our members to recruit one friend to join Golden Gate Bird Alliance during 2017.

As a small thank you, we’re offering cloisonné pins with our Centennial logo to the first 100 members who recruit a friend to join GGBA. We’ll send you a pin… AND your friend a pin. We’re calling this campaign “Bring 100 for 100.”

Here’s what to do:

Think of a friend who loves birds, enjoys the outdoors, cares about nature and conservation, or might simply want to explore a fun new hobby.

Tell them about Golden Gate Bird Alliance — the 150+ free field trips we offer each year, our birding classes and guest speakers, and our work in habitat restoration, conservation advocacy, nature education, and citizen science. (And tell them what a friendly, welcoming community we are!)

Invite them to join. Share the news of our 100th anniversary, the Bring 100 for 100 campaign, and the offer of free Centennial pins.

Or buy a membership for them as a gift for their birthday, anniversary, or “just because!”

Your friend can sign up at http://goldengatebirdalliance.org/bring100, or through this button:


Thank you in advance for helping us grow! This is a wonderful way to help launch Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s second century.

Plus you’ll be able to share our field trips, classes, guest speakers, and volunteer work days with your friend. Happy birthday to us,and happy birding for both of you!

NOTE: The Centennial pin offer applies only to recruitment of people who have never been members of Golden Gate Bird Alliance before. It’s fine if they are already a member of National Audubon; they just need to be new to GGBA.