Renew your membership for 2016!

Renew your membership for 2016!

Golden Gate Bird Alliance membership operates on a calendar year basis — so unless you renewed in the past couple of months, your membership expired on December 31, 2015!

Renew or join online now to ensure that you don’t miss any GGBA benefits during 2016:

  • Free admission to our monthly Speaker Series.
  • Subscription to our quarterly Gull newsletter.
  • Discounts on birding classes, pelagic trips, and merchandise in our online store.
  • Discounted subscription to Bay Nature magazine.
  • Fun events like field trips, Christmas Bird Count, and Birdathon.
  • Last but not least, the satisfaction of being part of a community that cares about and works to protect Bay Area birds!

When you renew or join, please consider joining as a Wildlife Guardian with an automatic monthly payment of $10, $20, or $30.  This is a great way to maximize your support for Bay Area birds… while spending less than if you were to buy a cup of coffee each morning.

Join Now

Thank you for your support! We look to sharing a year of great birding and great companionship with you.…

Welcome to the 2015 Christmas Bird Count!

Welcome to the 2015 Christmas Bird Count!

We’re looking forward to our 2015 Oakland and San Francisco Christmas Bird Counts! The Oakland count will take place on Sunday December 20, while the San Francisco count will be on Tuesday December 29.

Registration for both counts is now closed. If you signed up for the count, you will be contacted by your team leader during the week before your count.

Media: You’re invited to cover the Oakland or SF count! Contact Communications Director Ilana DeBare at or (510) 301-5573.

The CBC is a fun event for both beginning and experienced birders. This is the 116th year of this nationwide Audubon tradition. Enjoy a fun day of birding, while contributing to our understanding of bird populations through the largest and oldest citizen science project in the world. Then come share results at the festive compilation dinner after each count!

For information and registration for each count, see

NOTE: This year the Oakland count is looking to expand the number of people participating as feeder watchers. Do you have friends in the East Bay with backyard bird feeders? Click here for a flyer you can print and share with them about the count.

Counting on Bay Farm Island. Photo by Nancy Johnston.Counting on Bay Farm Island in 2014. Photo by Nancy Johnston. Tallying totals at the 2014 Oakland count dinner / Photo by Ilana DeBareTallying totals at the 2014 Oakland count dinner / Photo by Ilana DeBare



Winter 2015 Gull is available

Winter 2015 Gull is available

Winter 2015 Gull

The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Winter 2015  is now available online. Read it to learn about the start of a new secure  era for the nesting colony of endangered California Least Terns at Alameda Point!

Also get the scoop on birding at Fort Mason; the amazing features of bird tongues; and how some visionary GGBA members are providing a lasting legacy for Bay Area birds.  And of course it includes the calendar for our Speaker Series in January, February, and March.

Click here to read it:  TheGull_Winter2015

Note: Because this is a large file, it may take a minute or two to download. Be patient.   🙂…

Fall 2015 Gull is available

Fall 2015 Gull is available

Gull_Fall15The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Fall 2015  is now available online. Read it to learn about how Golden Gate Bird Alliance  is fostering the next generation of conservationists through our Eco-Education program.

Also get the scoop on birding at Coyote Hills; the annual fly-in of Vaux’s Swifts at McNear Brickyard in San Rafael; and our work on bird-safe buildings and wildlife protection in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

And of course it includes the calendar for our Speaker Series in October and November, as well as info on our 2015 Christmas Bird Count.

Click here to read it:  Gull_Fall15

Note: Because this is a large file, it may take a minute or two to download. Be patient.   🙂…

GGBA in the S.F. Chronicle

GGBA in the S.F. Chronicle

Golden Gate Bird Alliance has been all over the news this month!  On April 17, S.F. Chronicle columnist Chip Johnson wrote a great piece about our campaign to protect the nesting colonies of Black-crowned Night-Herons and Snowy Egrets in downtown Oakland.

And on April 21, the Chronicle ran a fun profile of GGBA member Alan Hopkins’s quest to spot 100 species of birds within walking distance of his home in San Francisco, as part of Birdathon.

Click to read a PDF version of:

Oaklands_Avian_Ambassadors  (The heron article)

Counting_on_Birds (The Alan Hopkins article)



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