Spring 2013 Gull is available

Spring 2013 Gull is available

The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Spring  2013 is now available online, with a report on progress in protecting birds at the Altamont wind farm, profiles of Birdathon trip leaders, plus features on the Western Scrub Jay and the U.C. Botanical Garden as a birding site.

This is the first issue of our redesigned Gull — full color, more photos, quarterly, with more information than ever on Bay Area birds and birding.

Click here to read it:  Gull – Spring 2013

And let us know what you think! Please send your comments and suggestions to Communications Director Ilana DeBare and Gull Editor Judith Dunham at idebare@goldengatebirdalliance.org .…

January 2013 Gull is available

January 2013 Gull is available


The new edition of The Gull newsletter for January 2013 is now available online, with  a report by Bob Lewis on bird population trends in the Oakland Christmas Bird Count, an open letter from former GGBA Executive Director Arthur Feinstein, upcoming field trips and speaker events,  and more.



Click here to read it in color:  Gull – Jan 2013


New waterfowl class starts Nov. 24

New waterfowl class starts Nov. 24

Winter is waterfowl season, with millions of ducks, geese and swans arriving in northern California. Our new “Duck, Duck, Goose… Loon?” class starts on Saturday November 24 and includes two Sunday field trips to San Francisco and the Sacramento Delta.

Learn to identify the nearly 30 species in the order Anseriformes (including ducks, geese, swans) that reside or overwinter in California, and learn about the evolutionary adaptations and life histories that distinguish them from other water birds like loons and grebes.

The class will take place from 9 am to 3 pm on November 24 at the new EcoCenter at Heron’s Head Park in San Francisco. Field trips will take place on Sunday November 25 (9 am to noon in San Francisco) and Sunday December 2 (10 am to 4 pm, to the Cosumnes River Preserve in the Sacramento Delta).

Class size is limited to 20. Fee: $60 for GGBA members, $75 for non-members. For more information, see the Classes page on our web site. To sign up, please call the GGBA office at (510) 843-2222.


Tundra Swan photo by Bob Lewis.

GGBA supports the SF parks bond

GGBA supports the SF parks bond

Golden Gate Bird Alliance encourages San Francisco voters to approve Measure B, the $196 million parks bond that will be on the November ballot.

We reviewed arguments both for and against the Parks Bond. Some of our allies make strong cases for opposing the bond, based on the S.F. Recreation and Parks Department’s poor track record on issues important to local wildlife.

However, on balance we feel that the bond provides much-needed funding for city parks and for wildlife habitat — including $6.5 million for natural areas in Golden Gate Park, $2 million for Lake Merced, $4 million for trails, and $35 million for waterfront parks at the Port of San Francisco.

San Francisco’s parks badly need improvement and maintenance. If this measure fails, there won’t be another opportunity to fund parks for a number of years. So we are supporting the bond measure — and then we will keep a close eye on how Rec & Parks spends the money, to make sure that wildlife and habitat get their fair share.

You can read the text of Measure B here.

Other Ballot Measures

As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Golden Gate Bird Alliance can not endorse political candidates. As a local Audubon chapter, we do most of our advocacy on Bay Area issues. So when election time comes around, our focus is on local issues and ballot measures .

In addition to the San Francisco parks bond, our Conservation Committees and Board of Directors reviewed two other local ballot measures. We decided to take a neutral position on both of them:

Oakland Zoo Parcel Tax: Oakland voters are considering Measure A1, a parcel tax that will generate $6 million per year for 20 years. While critics say the zoo is expanding too aggressively into Knowland Park, which contains sensitive habitat, zoo officials say the parcel tax money will not be used for that expansion and will improve  animal care and nature education. GGBA takes a neutral position.

Berkeley Measure T: Berkeley voters are being asked to provide $30 million for improvements in West Berkeley and adjust the zoning to allow for more development.  We opted to stay neutral because the activities that would directly affect Aquatic Park, a local important bird area, have been tabled for decision in early 2013.  We will remain involved in advocating for Aquatic Park in the coming months.…

November – December 2012 Gull is available

November – December 2012 Gull is available

The new edition of The Gull newsletter for November-December 2012 is now available online, with updates on the upcoming Christmas Bird Counts in Oakland and San Francisco, our new partnership with Outdoor Afro,  plus upcoming field trips, classes, speakers and opportunities for volunteering and travel.

Click here to read it in color:  Nov-Dec 2012 Gull


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