Vote Yes
On Prop 4

Bring climate resiliency to birds, other wildlife, and human communities

Join Us In supporting the Climate Bond Act!

This November 5th, Californians will have the rare opportunity to make a real difference on climate change by voting yes on Proposition 4. If passed, Prop 4 will authorize the state to borrow $10 billion to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water, reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, and protect the landscapes that make California so special.

Golden Gate Bird Alliance proudly supports Prop 4 because it benefits both birds and people. The bond would provide funds to help organizations like GGBA conserve rapidly disappearing habitats; protect wetlands needed by migratory birds; use regenerative, nature-based approaches to adapt to sea level rise; and improve public access to open space. At least 40% of the funding is dedicated to underserved and especially climate-vulnerable communities, so resources will go where they are needed most.

Prop 4 would be the single largest investment of public funding for climate resilience in the state’s history. Californians face increasing threats from a changing climate, with a growing need to respond to devastating wildfires, smoke, extreme summer heat, coastal flooding, and vulnerable drinking water supplies. Prop 4 marks a historic shift from responding to disasters to preventing them. By investing in proven solutions, we can reduce further harm and contain future costs.

Take Action Today!

  • Vote Yes on Prop 4
  • Learn more at Yes on Prop 4
  • Talk with your friends and family about why Prop 4 matters
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