Golden Gate Park Under Siege

Join park supporters, preservationists, neighbors and environmentalists to learn about current construction plans for Golden Gate Park and what can be done to protect our open space today and for future generations.


Jim Chappell, Interim Director, San Francisco Beautiful; past Executive Director, SPUR;


Anthea Hartig, PhD.     President, Western Office National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Katherine Howard, ASLA.    Landscape Architect; Golden Gate Park Preservation Alliance.

Mike Lynes.     Conservation Director/General Counsel, Golden Gate Bird Alliance.

George Wooding. President, West of Twin Peaks Central Council; columnist, Westside Observer.

Location: Commonwealth Club of California, 595 Market Street, SF.

Date:  May 11, 2011

Time: 6 p.m. networking reception, 6:30 p.m. program

Registration:  on-line at or call:  415-597-6705


Lights Out For Birds

From dusk until dawn, for the duration of the bird migration, building owners, managers and tenants in San Francisco are being asked to turn off unnecessary lights or close drapes, draw blinds or pull shades to help reduce the incidences of collisions that kill approximately 1 billion birds in North America each year. Spring migration is February 15th through May 31st, and the fall migration is August 15th through October 31st. To learn more visit Lights Out…

Beautiful Books in the Library

The Lafayette Library and Learning Center has asked for help from area birders in creating a Beautiful Book Corner, a place to peruse stunning books on gardening, flowers, birds, art, photography and any subject of interest to our patrons.  Any resident of California may obtain a library card to become a patron.

As they plan this space, they need your input.  Are you excited about the idea?  What, specifically, would be your wish list for such a space?

If this sounds good, they’d love to hear from you.  Please send e-mails (so they can measure your interest) to Richard Zoller ( and Library Manager Susan Weaver (…

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