This trip is now full. You may register to be on a waiting list in case of cancellations.
Springtime is beautiful at Point Reyes. This five-mile hike will take you through lush riparian habitat, grassland, coastal chaparral, sand dunes, and beach. Along the way, enjoy wildflowers and ocean views! Extensive stands of pure Ceanothus are a specialty here. In past years we’ve had Virginia Rails, MacGillivary’s Warbler, Red Crossbill, Pileated Woodpecker and Red-necked Grebe. Who knows what 2022 will bring?

Logistics: Participants need to bring lunch & water and be able to walk five miles with a modest descent and climb. Please be in reasonably good hiking shape.
Registration will close at 11pm on April 5, 2022.
Registrants: If you have any questions email or call Ryan at (510) 227-619