This trip is full. You can still register to be on the waitlist.
Enjoy a bird-filled jaunt on the finest remaining tract of the Franciscan Biological Region: San Bruno Mountain.
Called “one of the most important and threatened biodiversity sites in the world” by E.O. Wilson in 1999, this unique area hosts an incredible number of species including many endemics. Over 660 native plant species and almost 200 species of birds have been documented here. The 42 butterfly species included three endangered ones—Mission Blue, San Bruno Elfin, and the Callippe Silverspot.
We should encounter typical California grassland, oak, and scrub habitat residents such as Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks, White-tailed Kite, Band-tailed Pigeon, Hutton’s Vireo, Wrentit, California Thrasher, Pacific & Bewick’s Wren; lingering winter species like Hermit Thrush, Fox, and Golden-crowned Sparrows; and possibly passing migrants and early-arriving summer breeders such as Swainson’s Thrush, Wilson’s Warblers and Black-headed Grosbeak. A wonderful time to see a diverse assemblage of birds!
What to expect: generally hilly forested to open terrain, wide to double-track trails. Wear closed-toe shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. Heavy rain cancels.
Registration will close at 11pm on March 23, 2022.
Registrants: If you have any questions email or call Ryan at (510) 227-6190.