Birdathon sails south (to Elkhorn Slough)

By Bob Lewis

Eleven friends of Golden Gate Bird Alliance did a Birdathon trip near Monterey on April 15 aboard the Elkhorn Slough Safari boat, finding about 43 species in two hours, and photographing many.  Although the weather report promised high winds and cold temperatures, the elements held off and the morning was pleasant.  Captain Yohn is expert at maneuvering close to animals without spooking them, and we got great looks at quite a few.

It was a grand time to see birds in their alternate (breeding) plumage, and we found all three cormorants – Brandt’s on nests with their bright blue gular pouches, Pelagic with bright red faces, and Double-crested sporting bright yellow pouches.

Brandt's Cormorants nesting / Photo by Bob Lewis
Pelagic Cormorant / Photo by Bob Lewis
Double-crested Cormorant / Photo by Bob Lewis

American White Pelicans flew by showing off their “nuptial knobs,” strange protuberances on their bill that are only present during breeding time.

White Pelicans with breeding "bump" on bill / Photo by Bob Lewis

The most interesting bird was a Red-throated Loon in alternate plumage.  It’s a plumage seldom seen south of the arctic nesting grounds, so exciting to find.  Some of the Common Loons were also in striking black and white breeding plumage, Eared Grebes showed off golden ear tufts, Black-bellied Plovers had black bellies, Greater Yellowlegs were strikingly speckled, and a Pigeon Guillemot showed off his bright red feet.

Red-throated Loon / Photo by Bob Lewis

Best mammal award was a tie between the always adorable Sea Otters and the Harbor Seals with their newborn pups.  Sea Lions will probably dispute the judging – they had a lot to say as we cruised by their overcrowded dock.

Newborn harbor seal and mother / Photo by Bob Lewis

Many thanks to all the participants and others who contributed to our Birdathon efforts.


Even if you didn’t go on a Birdathon field trip, please join us at the Birdathon Awards Dinner on Sunday afternoon May 19th! There will be good food, good friends, boutique wines, and birding opportunities at a beautiful private hillside home next to Redwood Regional Park. Info and registration at