Bluebirds in Berkeley…. again!
By Ilana DeBare
It’s been one full year since we started this Golden Gate Birder blog!
In that time, our busy and talented members have written posts about grebe courtship at Clear Lake; Bald Eagle nest monitoring at Lake Chabot; falcon nesting drama in downtown San Francisco; birding in the style of a native Miwok tribes person; the difference between “birders” and “birdwatchers”; and many more.
One of our first posts was on the spread of nesting bluebirds in Berkeley, thanks in part to the nest boxes installed and monitored by GGBA field trip leader and birding class instructor Rusty Scalf.
Since we have now come a full cycle and it is spring again, let’s celebrate a year of birds and a year of this blog with some new photos of bluebirds in Berkeley. These shots of a pair of Western Bluebirds at their nest box on San Pablo Avenue were taken by Allen Hirsch. You can see his entire album of Berkeley bluebird photos at
Meanwhile, do you have birds nesting in your yard or neighborhood? Which ones are they?

Last call to sign up for our Birdathon dinner! Join us on Sunday May 19th for an afternoon of good food, boutique wines and great birding stories, all in a beautiful private location in the Oakland Hills with birding opportunities before, during and after the event. Deadline for sign-up is Wednesday May 8th — click here to sign up or email Ilana at
We also need volunteers to help by baking cookies or other desserts, and to help set up on the day of the event! If you can help, please email Ilana.