GGBA’s “Call to Action on Climate”
By Linda Carloni
Please welcome to the stage… Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s “Call to Action on Climate!”
Well folks, we’ve done it! We now have our first strategic initiative under our new strategic plan!

The GGBA Board and staff selected this initiative in February and we are excited about its possibilities. Member and volunteer advice and participation will be critical in implementing our initiative. “Call to Action on Climate” can be a small undertaking or a big one, depending on everyone’s energy, ideas, and participation.

What is a strategic initiative, anyway?
This is a method to give us balanced direction and focus as we face the threats of climate change. GGBA already does a great deal to work against climate change: advocating for and preserving habitat for threatened birds and other wildlife, working for living shorelines, educating adults and children about the dangers that climate change poses to birds, and more.

If GGBA already does climate change work, then why this initiative?
Climate change is the biggest environmental challenge of our lives and a major obstacle for future generations. GGBA is uniquely poised to help people understand impacts of the climate change challenge at a personal, emotional and immediate level. We will do this by focusing on the danger climate change poses to the birds we love… not to mention the danger climate change poses to us, and our health, and our communities! We want to expand our outreach to all of our surrounding communities to help empower everyone in the face of this existential threat.

GGBA already has a well-respected and talented advocacy and conservation volunteer infrastructure that can hit the ground running on specific climate issues. Our initiative will allow us to develop new ideas and implement programs on a local scale for the benefit of Bay Area birds and residents alike.

How will we implement Call to Action on Climate Change?
For starters, we are forming a steering committee. This committee will provide overall guidance and coordination for our plans, avoid duplication of efforts, and maximize communication. We are also planning a series of work groups to tackle particular climate issues, each with a leader responsible for communicating with the steering committee and other work groups.

So in the spirit of collaboration (and to kick this initiative off!), please tell us what you think we should work on as part of this initiative, and what you are able to help with. Here is a survey we created so you can share your thoughts and opinions.
The work we do would not be possible without you and we hope our strategic initiative will be a success with your help and support!
Linda Carloni is the President of the Golden Gate Bird Alliance Board. She considers herself an advanced-beginner birder, and particularly enjoys the shorebirds on the beaches of Alameda, where she lives. Linda is also an avid gardener, and active in local efforts to teach people sustainable ways to grow their own food.