So many ways to speak out for birds!
By Ilana DeBare
We’ve got a conservation triple-header happening — and you’re invited!
Right now Golden Gate Bird Alliance has three major opportunities for you to speak out on behalf of birds and wildlife. There’s something for everyone, whether you like to write, to chat on the phone, or to connect in person — and whether you have five minutes to tap out an email, or a full day to explore the inner workings of our state Capitol.
Here’s where we need your help:
Dog management in the GGNRA
This Wednesday (May 25) is the deadline for commenting on the proposed new dog management rules for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. GGBA supports these new rules because they provide more dog-free areas where wildlife can flourish and people can choose to enjoy a park experience without dogs. But off-leash dog owners are lobbying and suing to undermine the rules. Please add your voice by clicking here to file an online comment. (Click here to read more background on this issue.)

Phone bank for Measure AA
Make phone calls to Bay Area voters in support of Measure AA, the $12-per-year parcel tax that will raise $500 million to restore wetlands around San Francisco Bay. There are phone bank sessions scheduled for both San Francisco (Audubon California offices) and Berkeley (Sierra Club offices). Training, snacks, and maybe even a little wine provided. Bring a friend! Click here for dates and details on phone banking in Berkeley. Click here for info on San Francisco. And then remind your friends and family to vote Yes on AA.

Become a citizen-lobbyist for a day
On June 7, Audubon California will hold its second annual Advocacy Day in Sacramento. I did this last year, and it was both fun and fascinating! You’ll get a thorough orientation and talking points over breakfast, then join other Audubon members to meet with our local lawmakers. It’s a great way to learn about the lawmaking process, to meet Audubon members from different chapters. Plus there will be a lunchtime visit with some live raptors! Click here for info and sign-up.
Clearly, this is a lot going on at once! Some months, being involved with GGBA feels like it’s all about the birding. (Like during Christmas Bird Count season!) Other times — like now — it’s about taking action to protect the birds we love.
Please get involved! There is nothing as powerful as thousands of citizens taking action, whether through letters and emails, phone calls, voting, or speaking to our elected representatives. You can make a difference over the next two weeks for the future of Bay Area wildlife and habitat.