Top Ten Reasons to be a Birdathon Fundraiser
By Ilana DeBare
Yay! You’ve signed up for an amazing Birdathon trip. (You haven’t? Check out the trips HERE)
You’ve made a Birdathon donation (You haven’t? You can do it HERE).
You’re all set to go… but wait!
Please consider becoming a Birdathon Fundraiser too. Here are the Top Ten reasons why:
1. It’s not as scary as it sounds.

2.The California Towhee who hangs out in your yard will look at you with new respect and –dare we say it? –love.

3. Recognition! honor! glory! in the immortal pages of The Gull.
4. Winning a Birdathon fundraising prize is easier than winning the California Lottery. About a million times easier.
5. Payback time for all those friends and co-workers who hit you up for their children’s soccer teams.
More seriously, though – there are compelling reasons to become a Birdathon fundraiser.
6. Birdathon is Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s most important fundraiser of the year – supporting our award-winning Eco-Education program, our conservation advocacy, and our habitat restoration projects.
7. The multiplier effect. If 200 people each donate $50, we will raise $10,000. But if those 200 people each raise $500, that generates a whopping $100,000 to protect the Bay Area birds we love.
8. Birdathon fundraising helps spread the word about GGBA. You’re not just asking for money… you’re letting people know about a great organization. Maybe they’ll even be motivated to come on a field trip!
9. Far from being irritated, friends will be impressed by your commitment. Many people complain about the world these days, but few take action. Your efforts will inspire your friends.
10. GGBA will provide all the advice and hand-holding you need. You can set up your page HERE. Unsure how to start? See our Fundraising Tips or email Ilana at or Leslie at