Welcome to our online blog featuring thoughtful articles on everything from birding hotspots to bird science written by members of our community.
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Fort Funston Bank Swallows
By Dan Murphy A unique San Francisco treasure is the Bank Swallow colony at Fort Funston. And just as unique is its current nesting site
Good news on Snowy Plover habitat
By Mike Lynes This week the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service designated 24,527 acres along the Pacific Coast as critical habitat for endangered Western Snowy
Return of the Terns
By Ilana DeBare The cement stretched for acres around us, cracked and neglected, weeds springing up every few feet through the cracks. It reminded me
Bushtits in the acacias
By Dan Murphy A few years ago I noticed an unfamiliar species of acacia at North Lake in Golden Gate Park. Acacia is one of
A bird sit
By Phila Rogers And just what is a bird sit? I think of it as sitting quietly and listening intently to bird sounds. Are you
Magical Madagascar
By Bob Lewis (Note: Bob will present slides and describe the wildlife of Madagascar on June 21 at our monthly Speaker Series in Berkeley.) I
Bluebird babies in Berkeley?
By Janet Byron Yes! At least three pairs of Western Bluebirds are currently nesting in Berkeley, to the surprise and delight of local bluebird lovers.
Celebrating conservation success with art
By Ilana DeBare We’re sadly accustomed to stories of environmental tragedy – dying coral reefs, melting ice caps, rivers with no salmon. Shouldn’t we also
The magnetic attraction of birds
By Jack Dumbacher By now, most of the birds that summer in the Bay Area have settled into their new territories and are well on
Sightings: Breeding Northern Shoveler
By Janet Byron Northern Shovelers are common in the Bay Area in winter months. But breeding season is another matter – so it was exciting
Why fight for Beach Chalet?
On Thursday May 24, the San Francisco Planning Commission and Recreation and Parks Commission are scheduled to vote on plans to install artificial turf and
Romance in the air
By Bob Lewis Eddie Bartley and I have been teaching a new class for Golden Gate Bird Alliance this month called Romance in the Air.