Are you curious about the birds in your backyard or neighborhood park? Do you know a little bit about birds but want to learn more? Or are you an experienced birder who wants to take your enjoyment and knowledge to a whole new level?
Whatever your experience level or interest… we’ve got a birding class for you this fall!
In addition to our usual line-up of excellent and convenient East Bay classes, we’re delighted to offer a Beginning Birding class in San Francisco for the first time in several years.

Choose from the following classes:
Beginning Birdwatching (meets next to Ashby BART in Berkeley)
Wild Birds of the Bay Area (for beginning and intermediate birders, meets at Fort Mason in San Francisco)
Appreciating Birds: Journaling and Field Sketching
Raptor ID in a Day (meets in Marin Headlands)
Birds of the Bay Area
Avian Treasure Hunt: Fall Migration
Birding By Ear
Registration opens for some of these classes on August 9, and for the rest of them on August 16. For dates, details, and registration links, see our Classes web page.
Our instructors are expert birders who share their passion in a welcoming, accessible manner. Expand your understanding of the wildlife all around us… explore beautiful natural areas… meet new friends… and make autumn 2017 a season you’ll remember.