Over 250 concerned Golden Gate Bird Alliance volunteers responded to the 2007 Cosco Busan oil spill in San Francisco Bay. Their response is an example of Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s dedication to local wildlife.
In 2008 the San Francisco Foundation generously awarded Golden Gate Bird Alliance with funding to build organizational capacity to respond to future oil spills through an emergency response plan, online communication tools, volunteer training, partnerships with government agencies and nonprofit organizations, and evaluative report on Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s role in the Cosco Busan.
Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s Cosco Busan Oil Spill Report
Review Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s report based upon volunteer and staff observations and data recorded from the Cosco Busan oil spill.
The report can be accessed here.
Emergency Response Protocol
The Emergency Response Protocol will be implemented according to developed criteria. Once activated, the plan will be implemented and following the emergency response, the plan will be updated to reflect new information.