Creating Urban Bird Habitat
Amber Hasselbring
San Francisco: Thursday, March 12, 2020
Note: Second Thursday of the month
6:30 p.m. refreshments, 7 p.m. program

Note new transit-friendly location: S.F. State University Downtown Campus, 835 Market Street (next to the Westfield Shopping Center, at Powell Street BART station), 6th floor.
Birds need native plants and the insects that feed on them, but how to provide native habitat in our urban backyards and public open spaces? Nature in the City’s Backyard Natives Nursery enlists volunteers to grow native plants in their own yards. Learn how these volunteers engage with each other to harvest seed, clone plants from cuttings, and coordinate large-scale habitat restoration… and how your own backyard birds can benefit from this collaborative effort.
Amber Hasselbring is Executive Director of Nature in the City, whose mission to connect everyone in San Francisco to nature by cultivating and conserving local habitats.