Midway’s Albatrosses
JD Bergeron
San Francisco Thursday, August 15, 2019
6:30 p.m. refreshments, 7p.m. program
Please Note: New venue for San Francisco Speaker Series
Sports Basement 1590 Bryant Street San Francisco 94103

Midway Atoll is the site of the world’s largest albatross nesting colony as well as other globally important species such as the endangered Hawaiian monk seal and Laysan Duck. Midway Atoll is also the home of Wisdom, the oldest known wild bird in the Bird Banding Lab’s database. The work conducted by the census team, or “Bird Counters”, provides vital information found few places on Earth to researchers, managers, conservation groups, and the global community interested in preserving and protecting seabirds and their nesting habitats. Since 1991, the annual census of Mōlī (aka Laysan Albatrosses [Phoebastria immutabilis]) and Ka’upu (Black-footed Albatrosses [Phoebastria nigripes]) on Midway Atoll has provided precise and consistent information regarding the numbers of nesting albatross pairs there.
JD brings to his leadership a birder’s passion, a childlike delight in Nature, and a deep commitment to solving world challenges in unconventional ways. He has more than 20 years of experience in not-for-profit leadership, international development, and organizational change. JD is also the Co-Founder of Chooda, which puts on Bike Zambia, a weeklong bicycle ride that raises funds and awareness for HIV/AIDS prevention and economic empowerment for girls and women in Zambia.