Welcome to our online blog featuring thoughtful articles on everything from birding hotspots to bird science written by members of our community.
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We are especially interested in publishing blog posts from writers within underrepresented communities including; Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color, LGBTQIA+ individuals and people with disabilities. For more information on contributing blog posts and the editing process visit our Blog Guideline page here.
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Making it work on the South Coast
By Phila Rogers I don’t think I could have written these words even two months ago because I was still unreconciled to my move to
A fallen sparrow spurs a bird-friendly schoolyard
By Anthony DeCicco Imagine you are a Golden-crowned Sparrow. You hatched in 2013 on the shrubby lowland tundra of Middleton Island, about 80 miles off
Making the case for biodiversity
By Jack Dumbacher I have little doubt that as long as there are people to watch them, there will always be some birds to watch.
An Eco-Ed school year winds up at the ocean
By Marissa Ortega-Welch Gathered in the cafeteria of their school at eight a.m. on a school day morning in June, the three third grade classes
Forming a national network for bird-safe buildings
By Noreen Weeden Ten representatives from Audubon Society chapters and National Audubon staff came together in St. Paul, MN earlier this month to share ideas
My first GGBA Yosemite trip
By Maureen Lahiff It’s taken me quite a while to combine my love of Yosemite and my love of birds. I get to Yosemite several
Protect the Mokelumne River & its bird habitat
Editor’s note: Make your voice heard! Email state legislators today about protecting the Mokelumne River. There is an important hearing on Monday June 23. By
Alameda Point Ospreys face nesting disruption
By Richard Bangert In early June a pair of returning Ospreys looked ready for the day in their newly made nest atop a parking lot
In memory of Jay Holcomb
Jay Holcomb, Executive Director of International Bird Rescue in Fairfield, passed away from cancer on Tuesday June 10 at the age of 63. Many Golden
Oakland Night-Herons released at MLK Shoreline
By Ilana DeBare Golden Gate Bird Alliance joined International Bird Rescue on Saturday to release four of the juvenile Black-crowned Night-Herons that had been displaced and injured
Birdathon 2014 – everyone was a winner
By Ilana DeBare Whew! Now that Birdathon 2014 is all wrapped up, we can take a deep breath and look around and and realize that…
Treating condors for lead at the Oakland Zoo
By Holly Bern I’d be thrilled to announce that a healthy condor had made its way into the East Bay, but, alas, it is a