Welcome to our online blog featuring thoughtful articles on everything from birding hotspots to bird science written by members of our community.
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Birds, bugs and happy Audubon campers
By Marissa Ortega-Welch This month we ran the first-ever Golden Gate Bird Alliance “Wildlife Discoverers” summer camp for children. As I sit here going through all
Birding – the portable pastime
By Phil Price If you love Renaissance-era art, you’ll get even more enjoyment from a trip to Italy than most people will. If you have
A century of birds at UC Berkeley
By Ilana DeBare As both a birder and a Cal alum, I perked up when this press release from U.C. Berkeley came across my desk:
Bald Eagle Monitoring at Lake Chabot
By Mary Malec I first heard about the new Bald Eagle nest at Lake Chabot in early March. There had been a couple of reports
America’s Cup settlement to aid bird populations
By GGBA Staff We’re delighted to share the news that San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee has signed an America’s Cup settlement agreement that will provide
“Do you think we’ll find it?”
By Dave Quady No matter what your normal birding pattern is, sooner or later you’ll probably find yourself chasing off in hopes of finding a
Swifts and the quiet days of July
By Phila Rogers It’s this way every year. June’s sunny days end with the arrival of July and the return of the coastal fog. In
Birds and their bugs – a South Pacific expedition
By Jack Dumbacher (Note: Jack will present slides and describe his expedition to Papua New Guinea on July 19 at our monthly Speaker Series in San Francisco.)
“Notable” nature discoveries at all ages
By Anthony DeCicco With the school year ending, it was time for me to write up the annual summary of Golden Gate Bird Alliance’s Eco-Education
Birding Lassen in the… snow?
By Dan Murphy As we’ve done for the past 35 years or so, my wife Joan and I recently led a group of birders on
The eagle or the turkey?
By Ilana DeBare We all know and love the Bald Eagle, the subject of this remarkable composite photo taken on April 22 at Calaveras Reservoir
GGBA intern restores habitat – and her career
By Ilana DeBare Salt grass? Gumplant? Sticky monkey-flower? Rachel Spadafore knows them all. And she’s helped scores of Golden Gate Bird Alliance volunteers restore prime