Summer 2015 Gull is available

Summer 2015 Gull is available

TheGull_Summer2015The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Summer 2015  is now available online. Read it to learn about how Golden Gate Bird Alliance members are working to protect the extensive nesting colony of Black-crowned Night-Herons and Snowy Egrets in downtown Oakland.

Also get the scoop on birding at Heron’s Head Park; tackling the problem of fishing line pollution; and final results of Birdathon 2015.  And of course it includes the calendar for our Speaker Series in July, August, and September.

Click here to read it:  TheGull_Summer2015

Note: Because this is a large file, it may take a minute or two to download. Be patient.   🙂…

Spring 2015 Gull is available

Spring 2015 Gull is available

Gull_Spring2015The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Spring 2015  is now available online. Read it to learn about how Golden Gate Bird Alliance members are speaking out for birds at Albany Bulb and in Orinda!

Also get the scoop on birding at Cesar Chavez Park; nest boxes for your yard; and Birdathon 2015.  And of course it includes the calendar for our Speaker Series in April, May and June.

Click here to read it:  Gull_Spring2015

Note: Because this is a large file, it may take a minute or two to download. Be patient.   🙂…

Winter 2014 Gull is available

Winter 2014 Gull is available


The Gull - Winter 2014


The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Winter 2014 is now available online. Read it to learn about the battle over dog management policies in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (and how you can speak up for wildlife there).

You can also learn about GGBA’ work creating bird habitat in schoolyards; birding in Claremont Canyon; and how to differentiate female duck species. And of course it includes the calendar for our Speaker Series in January, February and March!

Click here to read it:  Gull_Winter2014

Note: Because this is a large file, it may take a minute or two to download. Be patient!   🙂


SF: Vote Yes on H, No on I

SF: Vote Yes on H, No on I

If you live in San Francisco, please vote YES on Proposition H and NO on Proposition I this November to preserve Golden Gate Park and our voice in park decisions.

Here’s a summary of both measures, and why Golden Gate Bird Alliance supports Prop H and opposes Prop I:

Proposition H: Requiring Certain Golden Gate Park Athletic Fields to be Kept as Grass with no Artificial Lighting

Proposition H would require that the Beach Chalet soccer fields in western Golden Gate Park be kept as grass, with no nighttime stadium lighting.


Why GGBA supports Proposition H:

For over five years, GGBA has opposed plans by the City Fields Foundation and the city to replace the grass soccer fields in western Golden Gate Park with artificial turf.

While no one would claim that grass soccer fields are pristine habitat, the seeds, insects, and small mammals associated with grass fields provide sustenance for over 70 species of birds such as Dark-eyed Juncos, Black Phoebes, Red-shouldered Hawks, and migrants like Western Tanagers. Artificial turf would turn this area into a “dead zone” for wildlife.

In addition, the city plans to install powerful stadium lighting that would be dangerously near migration paths along the coast. These night lights would make it no longer safe to nest in surrounding trees and during migration could draw birds off track, disorient them, and leave them vulnerable to collisions or predators.

The creation of a major soccer complex in this area would violate the Master Plan for Golden Gate Park, which calls for the western part of the park to retain a more “natural” character.

We believe the city can improve soccer opportunities by taking better care of the grass fields, and by building additional fields at other sites that are not designated as natural areas.


Proposition I: Renovation of Playgrounds, Walking Trails and Athletic Fields

Proposition I would allow any project to proceed once an Environmental Impact Report (if needed) was completed, if the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department forecasts that the project would double usage within a calendar year.

It also specifically counters Proposition H so that if they both win but Prop I receives more votes, then Proposition H is invalidated. For this reason, Proposition I is being presented by some as the opposite of Proposition H.

However, its impact is much broader than this one issue. It allows SFRPD to proceed with any project that they estimate will double usage, independent of the community’s desires or priorities.…

Fall 2014 Gull is available

Fall 2014 Gull is available



The new edition of The Gull newsletter for Fall 2014 is now available online. Read it to learn about the spread of nesting Ospreys around San Francisco Bay, and what Golden Gate Bird Alliance is doing to help them.

Also get the scoop on how a fallen sparrow inspired school kids to create a bird-friendly classroom, birding at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in Oakland, and Spotted Towhees. And of course it includes the calendar for our Speaker Series in October and November.

Click here to read it:  Gull_Fall2014

Note: Because this is a large file, it may take a minute or two to download. Be patient.   🙂


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